Home Based Screen Printing Business Works According to Plan

Home Based Business Opportunity | Dec 11, 2012

B-Seen Apparel Proves Screen Printing Business Model

When Bob and Lisa Hedrick started B-Seen Apparel as a home based screen printing business they had a plan.  Today, five years later, their plan couldn't have worked out better. Bob recalled, "When we started, my wife Lisa and I began with modest expectations for our first year in business.  Lisa was working a full time job and I was a stay at home dad building our business. The first year we screen printed nearly 4000 garments which was a very good start but just two years later we were printing more than 20000.  All this in our basement in less than 400 square feet!"  The Hedricks built their marketing plan primarily using Google Maps and Adwords.  "Google Maps is absolutely free and has brought the company a large amount of business. Our Adwords budget is also very important to our business.  We spend between $500 and $800 per month.  I have never made a cold call and today we get a couple calls each day from our Google advertising".  Bob keeps the company's Google Adwords campaign focused in the local community. "Most of our business comes from customers within 10 or 15 miles."

B-Seen Apparel's success goes well beyond marketing.  Bob has made sure that B-Seen delivers on its promises.  "Most of my competition quotes a 2 to 3 week delivery time.  I quote 7 to 10 days and have never missed a deadline.  This brings repeat business back every time." Today B-Seen has as much business as it can handle.  The Hendricks home business success has allowed Lisa to quit her corporate position and spend time raising their two young children.  Lisa plans to get back to work for her previous employer at some point but the success of the screen printing business has allowed her the flexibility to chose when.

B-Seen purchased the Printa 770 Screen Printing System in 2008 and today the screen press is actively printing jobs for their customers nearly every day.  B-Seen chose the system because of its compact design and its small footprint that works well in the company's limited space.  They also benefit from the 770's proprietary registration features which save Bob at least 30 to 60 minutes of setup on each job.  With as many jobs as the press has seen this has added up to a big productivity boost.  

In addition to providing high performance manual screen printing systems, Printa Systems provides training on the operation the 770 Screen Printing System at its headquarters in Kirkland, Washington.  New screen printers taking this course will leave with the initial skills required to start printing their first jobs.  They will also have been trained on Printa's "Partner Plus" program which covers core elements of the business aspects of screen printing.  The" Partner Plus" program provides business tools to help customers market their business and successfully quote jobs.  It also links new businesses up with the industry's leading garment producers.

Printa Systems has helped launch many successful home based screen printing business like B-Seen Apparel. Printa Systems is a leading US manufacturer of Screen Printing Systems, Pad printing Systems and Heat Transfer Systems. Call Us if you are growing your existing business or planning to launch a new one.  At Printa Systems "Our Mission Is Your Success!"